
Who ever said karma isn’t real hasn’t experienced it. 

I’m on my first flight to start my adventure. The whole process getting here has been really smooth. I was told that if your ment to be in Hawaii your life becomes synchronised as that I feel it does. 

 It was obviously incredibly hard saying good bye to my friends and family, my best friend I watched cycle away until she was a little dot and my parents and I waved and waved until I couldn’t see them any longer ! I opened my parents card and it was so precious. On unwritten side was the below… My mums heart and thought blows my mind! Massive tears of course…But the rest of this transitionwas easy!

From my beautiful friend having an empty garage where I could store my home. To the timing of closing my business, the sun shining at my party, my brother coming back from surfing in time today goodbye. 

Then arriving at the airport and being allowed 7kg extra in luggage! Then an upgrade, and then getting into a lounge to enjoy breakfast and FaceTimes with people. 

The best was getting on the plane and the girl who would of been behind me was about to sit down, but reallh upset she had half a window not a full one. I offered to swap! Two mins after I swapped the two people next to me were moved. I have three seats to myself now, I’m laying down and have a red wine in hand-Bonus! Karma at play me thinks,yes?!?

What wasn’t karma was the ridiculously old fashioned set up of movies, where the whole plane watching the same thing! It was like the stone ages of flight! And he movie was MARVEL! Jesus Mary no Thankyou, I was looking forward to a few cheesy romcoms, sit back, sorry lay over my three seats and drift off into a fantasy world of romance!

Hey Ho! Music, audio books and sleep! More energy saved to hit Hawaii with all my might! 

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